Learn Gene Regulation

Resources for learning about gene regulation, chemical biology, computational biology and 3D epigenetics!

Gryder Lab Youtube videos:

“Dynamic Opposition Model of Histone Modification” with Berkley Gryder

Gene Regulation and Chemical Biology:

“Drugging Transcription” with Rick Young

“Listening to Probes” with Stuart Schrieber

“Open-source cancer research” with Jay Bradner

Protein-DNA interactions genome wide: ChIP-seq principles by David Gifford

3D Epigenomics:

Future of Genomic Medicine by Erez Lieberman Aiden

Genome in 3D: Modeling Chromosome Organization by Leonid Mirny

Phase Separation and Biological Condensates:

“Multiphase Liquid Behavior of the Nucleus” with Cliff Brangwynne

“Nuclear Condensates in Gene Regulation” with Rick Young

“Cell Organization on Micron Length Scales” by Michael Rosen

Code, protocols and tutorials:

Bioinformatic (ChIP-seq and RNA-seq) video tutorials:

Github code repos: